Friday, July 4, 2008


You have your life just before your eyes. But in a blink of an eye, your whole life can change.

Perhaps, the real essence of life depends on change. If it weren’t for change, there might not have been existence. If it weren’t for change, life might not be worth living at all.

The world is constantly changing; no doubt about that. There is no need to look farther; look at you. Even the simplest things around you to most complicated ones change. It seems that we are on an unending metamorphosis of our lives.

Metamorphosis. Probably, the same word would remind you of the development of a butterfly. But in similar instances, we, too, have been the butterfly of our life while the world serves as our sanctuary. We, too, change constantly, and change definitely transforms our life whether to its worse scenario or hopefully, at its best.

The clock turns, so as the wheel of life spins.

Over the years, there have been a lot of changes and improvements not only in school, where probably our life revolves most. But everywhere-- from the streets we used to cross to the establishments we used to hangout, from the rules we have to abide by everyday and to all the duties we have to accomplish for our self and for others as well. The funny thing is-- we have changed, but do we really think it is for the better?

Look around you. In every corner is a sign of poverty, of disarray. There are men who are in dire need; but are their demands answered? People die not because of scarcity of food but because of other people’s gluttony. Even those considered as the noblest of all are the promoters of greed. They would do anything to be richer when in fact, they possess all the material things in the world. Perhaps, our sanctuary has been led by modern-day swindlers, with words so sweet to hear yet with actions so vicious. But why are we tolerating them? We are given the privilege to change it. And if change really is existent, then why is it that the citizens could not change this injustice? Is it the “change” we want our country to have?

Let us not go farther. Let us start in school. With the start of a new year, there have been a lot of apparent changes. It starts from the improved logos and revised mission- vision of La Salle to newly amended rules and regulations of the school. What is noticeable though is the similar response of each student to these regulations. For instance, when signboards indicate where to throw the trash, there are more candy wrappers in the stairs than in the trash bin, itself. Funny how it attests to a theory that “man, by nature, is really… stubborn”. When one restricts another of doing something, the inferior insists on violating the order. Can’t we change such scenario?

No one’s perfect. I admit I am not perfect too. I, too, am guilty of my negligence to the rules. But still, we have to correct our own imperfections. Faults are not made to be repeated but rather they are made to be eradicated totally from human life. We are educated by experience to learn from our faults and never to repeat them again. We need to progress not to regress. If we really want development, let us start within ourselves before we work through others. Perhaps, leaders may have lapses in their authorities; but let us remember that change, specifically improvement, starts with the simplest body and works its way through a larger one. We need to adapt to the change of environment not because we want to but because we have to for the sake of ourselves and of others.

Change for the better to live a better future.
The world is your sanctuary. Make all necessary changes.
And someday, you’ll be the butterfly that you have always dreamt to be. Indeed, life is really worth it.

1 comment:

Mia Uy said...

this is so nostalgic. i remember bulik. i remember us cramming our articles. i remember us hanging out in the office, working or simply escaping from work to stalk. :D